UW’s offer for business
The research potential of the University of Warsaw covers all major scientific fields and disciplines.
We want to serve entrepreneurs with our rich scientific experience, the high level of competence of university employees, as well as the most modern research equipment in many fields of applied sciences.

Uniwersytecki Ośrodek Transferu Technologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (The University of Warsaw Center for Technology Transfer) is a university-wide unit that provides comprehensive assistance in ensuring intellectual property (IP) protection and IP management and in carrying out a well-rounded process of technology and knowledge transfer (including commercialization) of research results. In addition, UOTT supports scientists and research teams in obtaining funding for research from external sources and in popularizing science.

Centrum Analiz Medialnych CAM UW i Laboratorium Badań Medioznawczych LBM UW (The CAM UW Media Analysis Center and the LBM UW Media Research Laboratory) have the most modern research equipment and software for conducting biometric tests.

Ośrodek Analiz Politologicznych i Studiów nad Bezpieczeństwem UW (The Center for Political Analysis and Security Studies of the University of Warsaw) reacts and comments on political science events on an ongoing basis and conducts in-depth analyses. Among the public institutions for which OAP UW experts prepared studies, there are, for instance: the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Cabinet of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the National Broadcasting Council and the Mazovian Voivodeship Office.

DELab is a research institute funded by Google that researches the impact of modern technologies.
Centrum Badań nad Uprzedzeniami (Center for Research on Prejudice) is an interdisciplinary unit of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, bringing together social psychologists and sociologists interested in stereotypes, prejudices, racism, discrimination, and other issues in the field of intergroup relations.

Centrum Nowych Technologii (The Center of New Technologies) creates a space that enables the development and education of leaders in science and economy through the implementation of interdisciplinary scientific research on the border of biology, chemistry, physics, and information technology
Centrum Projektów i Ekspertyz (The Center of Projects and Consulting) concentrates on three aspects: firstly, on support for business and public administration. Secondly, on the implementation of projects co-financed from EU funds, and thirdly, on the commercialization of soft research projects. Within the indicated areas of activity, it implements its “own” projects (Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw) and “external” projects acquired as part of cooperation with business and local government units.
Centrum Nauk Sądowych UW (Center for Forensic Sciences of the University of Warsaw), in which the Office of Expertise operates, provides access to hardware equipment and laboratories located within the faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Law and Administration, as well as qualified scientific and technical staff.

Centrum Współpracy i Dialogu UW (The Center for Cooperation and Dialogue of the University of Warsaw) supports the university and its partners in establishing contacts and setting the conditions for undertaking specific partnerships and implementing projects that can contribute to actual changes in the quality of public life in Poland and in the world.

Centrum Wyzwań Społecznych UW (The Social Challenges Unit of the University of Warsaw) creates and implements local research and diagnosis projects, development strategies for institutions and local governments, as well as tools for evaluating and measuring the social impact of programs for companies and public institutions.

Centrum Europejskie UW (The Centre for Europe of the University of Warsaw) is a unit that conducts classes for undergraduate and graduate students and conducts research. The Centre publishes the quarterly “Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs” as well as monographs and academic textbooks. The CfE UW employees are present in the media to carry out the mission of educating society.

Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW (The Centre of Migration Research of the University of Warsaw) is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental unit that studies migration processes in Poland and Europe. It publishes research results as well as the journal “Central and Eastern European Migration Review.” The Centre offers postgraduate studies addressed to people interested in contemporary migration processes.

Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UW (The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw) was founded in 1825 and has two observation stations. Nowadays, the Observatory is a leader in large-scale photometric surveys of the sky. Our employees implement and participate in international projects and satellite missions. The unit also conducts didactic classes as part of first- and second-cycle studies and for outstanding high school students.

Centrum Nauk Biologiczno – Chemicznych UW (The Biological and Chemical Research Centre of the University of Warsaw) is a place of scientific research that influences the development of new technologies in, among others, energy, analytics, pharmacy, medicine, biotechnology, new materials, and environmental protection.

Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Modelowania Matematycznego i Komputerowego UW (The Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW) conducts advanced work on data processing, analysis, and visualization, advanced computational work, and educating about the results of conducted research.

Uniwersyteckie Centrum Wolontariatu UW (The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw) is for the university community to implement volunteering initiatives, training, social programs, and projects in such areas as education, intercultural communication, civic responsibility, anti-discrimination, and environmental protection.

Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW (The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw) manages the Research Station in Cairo and the Polish Archaeological Centre in Khartoum, conducts archaeological, conservation, and reconstruction research in North-East Africa, the Middle East, Cyprus, the Arabian Peninsula, and Transcaucasia, and disseminates their results as part of scientific publications, exhibitions, lectures, and conferences.

Inkubator Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (The Incubator of the University of Warsaw) was created to support entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors in the academic community. We organize workshops, training, meetings with experts, and other events helping with the development of business and social projects.

Portal Synergia WZ UW (The Synergy Portal) is a modern platform of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. It connects business with science and employers with students and graduates of the Faculty. The Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw has been cooperating with businesses for years, implementing joint research projects, educating the managerial staff, and acting as an intermediary in recruiting employees. The Synergy Portal has four zones dedicated to the primary recipients, including one specially prepared for business.